Sunday, December 04, 2005


Mathematician or chess player?

In my book, A Passion for Mathematics, I conducted a large survey on this question: "Would you rather marry the best mathematician in the world or the best chess player? What would most people choose?" -- and I give answers in the book.

What is your answer?

I wouldn't mary either one. Someone so good in a single field would surely be severely lacking in many others.
Seems to me if you married someone like Bobby Fisher you would travel and question a great, which could be exciting and thrilling albeit tiring. In the end, everyone would be guessing your next move. And while a mathematician would unlock secrets concerning the physical world, he/she might lack spiritual assembly; however, someone like Sofia Kovalevskaya might be the exception to that notion. Tough call, but I would go with a chess player.
I would have to say the chess player. The mathematician might spend a lot of time in his head, and I probably wouldn't understand half of what he was talking about. With a really good chess player, there would be travel opportunities. Also, he might be more outgoing and fun to spend time with.
depends on who they are and what they looked like. It matters more on WHO the person is than what they do for a living. I mean, who cares?
All other thins being equal, I'd marry the mathematician.

Chess is one, single, fairly narrouw problem (which is not to say that it is easy) while mathematics covers an incredibly vast area, with opportunities for all sorts of insights, new perspectives, creativity, applications in countless practical areas, etc.

So it seems to me that a mathematician would be more interesting to spend a life with than someone with the somewhat overly narrow focus that a great chess player has and must have.
Being a man, I would marry the math girl. She would be smart, have a good job, & would be very helpful figuring out my home building projects.
The only drawback is she would know exactly how long six inches is.

I would select a female Chess player. Anyone can learn how to play stores sell cute and fun chess programs and anyone can learn the art within a week.. and if one married a Pro then one would get alot of practice, plus, let's not forget the traveling to other countries as well as the tournaments that go in the states....It is a small number (like a needle in a haystack)but very attractive ladies are now playing chess in 2007.
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