Thursday, February 23, 2006


Ending in "A"

Haven't you ever wondered why so many country names, or names of US states, end in "a"? Quite a mystery.

That's the start of my name, but I digress... Scientists say that language evolved as a form of synesthesia that meant we could better understand each other, find food, that sort of thing. Maybe it has something to do with finding/conquering new places, and the first letter in the alphabet.
Maybe people were thinking what to cal it in mid-sentence. "What are you goig to call this place, Bill?"
"Aaaa....merica! Yes, that's a good name..."
I sometimes do that when I am trying to find something :-)






Some things demand a name that can be cried out.
They sound Latin...

"A" is almost universally the first vowell sound pronounced "MA" therefore the earliest vowell sound mastered in the lifelong preoccupation with survival. Countries, america canada etc, are macrocosms of home, security and survival. All my daughter's names end in "A" . I ate Manna to survive. Some look to Allah Jehovah and Buddha for protection and solace. Etcetera!
no i havnt but i think its bcuz they r too lazy to sit and think about it so they just use the 1st letter in the alphabet
The Natives(Indians) had already named most of the areas inhabited by the settlers over here in the Americas(North and South) before the Europeans arrived. And "we" just ended up keeping most of the names because it was easy. You can take that to the bank!
Well we couldn't come up with a name for all our letters eh? So we call them all together by the first two (in greek form)Alpha and Beta. Perhaps if you checked out the symbols and objects each letter originally represented you might find a more fulfilling answer, eh? I think the letter A was a bull or ox (like a bull Alephant)so it's like a leader, kind o' macho EH? not as wimpy as say , eh, eh? which brings to mind , well , say weren't the french helpful in the american revolution ? ahh those were the days my friend.
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