Saturday, March 04, 2006


Theory of everything?

Posthuman Blues has a question about when physicists will arrive at the theory of everything. If a TOE is accomplished, he wants to know, do you think it will have any unexpected effects on human consciousness? If so, of what kind?

Human beings must, MUST view the information given to them by the environment through a left-right hemisphere informational bias. In laymen's terms, people categorize things and then send those categories to either the left or right hemisphere of the brain. It's a survival mechanism. Though I suspect we will master the human brain, and perhaps even create a perfect theory of everything, I think that the majority of the people would choose to disbelieve it, just as Nietzsche viewed society as producing a minority of great (WO)men. The human brain is ultimately a disinformation tool, evolved to give us enough knowledge of the environment to produce 2 and a half children and then die, though, through hard work, our lives can become more.
I think "the theory of everything" is actually a misnomer. I'd rather call fit, "the theory of the most basic". And I don't think it'll help us to understand much beyond the most basic.
A theory of everything would not only espouse the known, but the mystery, thus could not by nature be closed but must be infinite; stasis unreachable, tenuous as holding the wind while pushing the river with one hand clapping. Each speculation a tiny chapter in a book that can only seek its covers.
Of course. TOE will explain everything in this universe, maybe even make predictions about the multiverse. It will probably find a powerful and simple formalism that can be translated easily, even dumbos will understand. It will most probably bring anti-gravity and zero-point energy. It will open the doors to the universe and beyond. We may even find that this universe is nothing but a simulation, and contact the producers and learn the awful truth; it is a rehabilitation (prison) colony. Who knows, but definitely worth hanging out for. It may even happen within the decade. How cool would that be? I would love an anti-gravity car, to got to Mars to have a cuppa.
i thing the questions it self is very complicated.... entonces creo ke la realidad la dicernimos deacuerdo a nuestro entendimiento!!! if you know what i mean !!
I not only believe it will have some effect on consciousness, I believe it will be consciousness.
your assuming we are conscious enough to accomplish this TOE already? I don't know, thats like which come's first, the chicken, the egg, or the rooster. But if it happens I hope it comes before that cellular metamorphing the Frazzler mentioned(in comments section).bob-the-goat said spec!ha!ha!
I think right now humans are looking through the lenses of too many inacuracies and lies in the fields of history, religion, science and physics in order to really formulate a TOE. It is going to take a monumental event of "biblical" proportions in order to shake the fog from our consiousness, so that we may see the universe for what it is and stop placing our own problems and obstacles in the way of such thinking required for a TOE.
The fundamental structure of matter and the universe is in principle graspable . It is NOT inherently unknowable .

Jay at
A theory wouldn't be good enough, I like facts!!!
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